State Licenses

  • Boxcar Mortgage LLC DBA Gulf Coast Mortgage Solutions

    100 North Bancroft
    Suite A1
    Fairhope, AL 36532

    NMLS# 2010312

  • Alabama: NMLS# 22904

    Arizona: 1037620

    California: 60DBO-167616

    Colorado: NMLS #1969375

    Connecticut: ML-1969375

    Delaware: 038062

    DC: MLB1969375

    Florida: MLD2033

    Georgia: NMLS# 71220

    Idaho: MBL-2081969375

    Illinois: MB.6761818

    Indiana: 63936

    Kentucky: MC812242

    Louisiana: NMLS# 71220

    Maryland: NMLS# 25300

    Michigan: FL0024984

    Mississippi: NMLS# 1969375

    New Hampshire: 26279-MB

    New Jersey: NMLS# 71220

    North Carolina: L-201636

    Ohio: RM.805029.000

    Oregon: 1969375

    Pennsylvania: 103670

    South Carolina: MLS-1969375

    Tennessee: NMLS# 1969375

    Texas: SML# 1969375

    Virginia: MC-7296

    Washington: CL-1969375

  • Equal Housing Lender

    National Mortgage Licensing System Information: To verify this company or an individual please visit the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry at